Comprehensive insurance covered investigations

Comprehensive investigations are packages focusing on specific problems and groups of problems. Investigations that are not in one package often have to be used in the event of some health problems. However, some of the comprehensive investigation packages that are often demanded can be employed as preventive measures and timely diagnosis methods.

Comprehensive investigations are standard preventive and treatment procedures, reimbursed by insurance companies.

Comprehensive Investigation 1

Comprehensive Preventive Examination

Comprehensive investigation to diagnose an illness without clinical symptoms.

How does a preventive examination proceed?

Overall comprehensive investigation is not a mere standard check up by a GP. It consists of a set of highly efficient tests and assessments to diagnose illnesses at a stage when they have no clinical symptoms. Similar to an examination by a GP, a preventive examination starts with an interview and a basic check up, followed by special tests to diagnose internal organ diseases. The time demands are not very big: a preventive examination takes place as agreed and during a single day.

What is a preventive examination for?

The examination helps to reveal an illness before it starts to be obvious or visible. An illness revealed in time has a greater chance of being cured and a lesser impact on the patient’s life and, usually, does not take so long to be cured.

Comprehensive Investigation 2

General Practitioner

Regular care provided to individuals and employees, with related specialist investigations.

Does the internist cover everything that a general practitioner does?

The internist plays the role of a general practitioner and provides specialist aftercare. Unlike the general practitioner, the internist is able to provide tests and investigations using special instruments that are available in his or her office. As a result, the care is more precise, quicker and more efficient.

If a patient needs follow up care, they are referred to top medical specialists in the particular field.

What does an internist do?

The internist is a specialist focusing on internal medicine. That is a field comprising the following areas: cardiology (heart), angiology (vessels), pneumology (lungs), gastroenterology (digestive system), metabolism, hematology (blood), rheumatology (joints), nephrology (kidneys) and endocrinology (hormones and glands).

Comprehensive Investigation 3

Nutritional Counseling

A healthy diet for weight loss, maximum physical and mental stress and metabolic disorders.

What does nutritional counseling comprise?

Preventive nutrition and healthy lifestyle counseling. A personalized approach is very important here – everyone has their needs. Whether they are weight loss, excessive mental stress, e.g., at work, excessive physical stress, e.g., during a training program or patients suffering from a disease and requiring personal nutritional options. Nutritional counseling includes the prevention and diagnosing of metabolic disorders as an integral part of the process.

Where does nutritional counseling help?

Nutritional counseling is especially demanded to help reduce weight or improve one’s diet, which is hard to keep under standard workloads and given the hasty lifestyle of today. Nutritional counseling further aids the prevention and treatment of fat metabolism disorders.

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Fatigue Syndrome

Prevention and treatment of the chronic fatigue syndrome and its causes.

What is the fatigue syndrome?

The chronic fatigue syndrome is a disease which makes the patient feel exhausted all the time, without obvious causes. It often affects your performance in your personal and work life. The syndrome largely does not have almost any apparent physical symptoms, except for mild fever at times. It is a typical lifestyle disease with a number of symptoms and various causes. It can be cured by specialist treatment.

How is the fatigue syndrome treated?

The fatigue syndrome requires a thorough personal history check and an examination of the potential causes of the disease. Blood tests and, sometimes, stress tests are performed. It is very important to have professional cooperation between the patient and the physician, who want to arrive at conceivable methods to ensure a change and deal with the causes of the disease.

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Counseling and treatment of problems resulting from excessive mental and physical stress.

How does stress affect one’s health?

Stress is the body’s response to excessive physical or mental stress. Despite the actual existence of “good stress”, which stimulates performance, the negative stress variety is far more common and may harm one’s health and cause mental as well as physical illnesses. Long term and extreme stress symptoms may include anxiety and depression, and physical symptoms of stress especially relate to the nervous and digestive systems.

How is stress treated?

The cause, a thorough examination and determination of the patient’s health condition, and we work together to develop a plan to remove the causes of the stress.

Stress may occur for reasons that are mostly mental in nature but the consequences of stress may go as far as long term physical disorders. Large stress loads cause heart diseases, blood pressure problems, digestive system disorders etc. Therefore, it is good to work together to figure out the exact cause of your health problems and remove them.

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Vascular Diseases

The diagnosis and treatment of vascular diseases, and smoking and aesthetic problems counseling.

How are vascular diseases treated?

If you suffer from pain in your extremities, i.e., more often in your legs, or if you tend to have cramps, tingling or other problems, a vein and artery disease tends to be the cause. A timely diagnosis using clinical tests, a Doppler sonography investigation or a plethysmographic investigation provides guidance which is assessed to reveal the cause of your problems. The best treatment of your problems derives from this.

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Surgical Care

Pre operative examination and surgical consultations.

How is surgical care provided?

Surgical care involves targeted operations that deal with acute disorders and later are stabilized by internists who help prevent further complications. This includes a vast number of potential diseases, e.g., joint diseases, where the surgeon performs an outpatient investigation to decide whether you need operative/non operative treatment.

What is surgical care for?

Most of the time – joint disorders, bone related problems, such as arthritis, and muscles, i.e., whenever it is necessary to make a clear decision on whether surgical, i.e., operative, treatment is needed. Surgeons are also able to perform an outpatient examination concerning varicose veins, hemorrhoids, and skin changes (lipoma, ganglioma, fibroma etc.). In some cases, it is necessary to make decisions on how to proceed with treatment in the area of the stomach. In cases like this, stomach ulcers, gallstones etc. may develop. A surgical investigation is usually requested by other specialists, though a patient may ask for the investigation himself or herself without a referral.